Looking for your next pair of hiking boots?

Looking for your next pair of hiking boots?

Choosing and having the right pair of hiking boots can make a huge difference to the comfort and enjoyment of your hiking adventures. And with so many different types, brands and styles of hiking boots on the market, it can often be overwhelming to choose the right pair for you.

Here are some of Serious Country Sports top tips on how to pick the perfect hiking boots to meet your needs.

Consider the type of hiking you'll be doing

First thing is first, the type of hiking you'll be doing will determine the type of hiking boots you need. For example, if you'll be hiking on well-maintained trails, you may be able to get away with more lightweight hiking shoes. Although if you'll be hiking in more rugged terrain, you'll need a more durable, heavy-duty boot with good ankle support.

Determine your foot shape and size

Knowing your foot shape and size is important when choosing hiking boots. You want to make sure your boots fit properly to prevent blisters and discomfort. Take the time to measure your feet and consider any foot issues you may have, such as high arches or wide feet.

Look for quality materials

Quality materials are so important when choosing the right pair of hiking boots. Look for boots that are made from high-quality leather or synthetic materials that are durable and can withstand the wear and tear of hitting those trails. The boots should also be waterproof or water-resistant to keep your feet dry in wet conditions.

Try on multiple pairs

There are so many different options out there and so it's important to not jump pick the first pair you try on. Try and test multiple pairs of hiking boots in order to find the right fit. Walk around the store in them, try them on different surfaces to get an idea of how they'll perform when you’re out and about. Make sure there is enough room in the toe box for your toes to move freely and that the boots provide good ankle support.

Consider the weight

The weight of your hiking boots can often affect your performance when you’re out hiking. Lighter boots are great for day hikes or easy terrain, while heavier boots are better for longer hikes and rugged terrain. Consider the weight of the boots when making your decision.

Don't forget about the socks

The right socks can make a massive difference to the comfort of your hiking boots. Look for socks that are made from moisture-wicking materials that will keep your feet dry and prevent blisters. Bring a pair of hiking socks with you when trying on boots to get a better idea of how they'll fit.

Choosing the right hiking boots can greatly enhance your hiking experience and by considering the factors we’ve mentioned above you just might be able to find the perfect pair of hiking boots for your needs.

At Serious Country Sports we stock a wide of range of boots and shoes to match any and all of your outdoor needs. Here are just a few of our top product recommendations: